iDelft completed the PDOK Loket for the Cadastre within a short period of time based on the Drupal Content Management System. This website has received the highest (3 star) ranking in terms of web-accessibility. The PDOK portal has been tested by Centric and Sogeti and certified by the independent organisation Stichting Drempelvrij. iDelft initially helped with the hosting and the security of the website. We introduced SSL and anti-spam techniques.
The PDOK Loket is a portal with information on publically available map data in The Netherlands: The PDOK program offers a wide variety of official digital geographical information. The data can be retrieved via the central PDOK Loket portal as dataservices and as files. This guarantees actual, reliable and available digital geographical information at all times. Nearly all PDOK services are open and free to use by citizens and organisations. The Dutch governement wants to stimulate innovation by offering open geographic information.
We used open data for several pubblic websitesincluding a website on bio-mass installations for a Dutch Agency. We also created an E-participation website for the the department of roads and waterways (Rijkswaterstaat).