A web form is a form on the screen that can be used for different purposes including research and data collection. Web forms are - unlike paper forms - intelligent because erroneous and incomplete data entries are immediately detected. Often, the web form is part of a business process (workflow) and the results can directly be analyzed because the data is stored in a database system.
At iDelft we have extense experience in making web forms and facilitating the underlying workflows. There are various possibilities:
- Embedding Web forms in a Content Management Systeem (for example Drupal).
- Connecting forms with Adresses, Events or Locations.
- Making tailor-made forms (wizards).
- Verifying data with help of address databases.
Forms are used in most of our Drupal implementations. Sometimes straightforward ( a simple contact- or suggestion form) and sometimes complex. It is also possible to link a form to a particular event or a particular location on the map as shown below in a screenshot from the Vegetationlegger map module.