Google is known for its search engine, advertisements and tools. iDelft has extensive experience in optimizing web applications and analyzing site usage by applying Google technology.
Google Analytics and Search Engine Optimalization (SEO)
Google software also plays an important role for mapping and visualisations. The large scale commercial use of Google Maps within websites is unfortunately not for free any more.
iDelft has hands-on experience with a number of Google software implementations:
Google Maps and Google Earth differ in two ways, namely: display and installation.
- Google Earth shows the globe of the earth and introduces a bird’s eyes view. Google Maps on the other hand shows two dimensional maps;
- Google Maps runs within a web browser without any installation, while Google Earth requires a separate software installation (desktop setup or browser plug in).
We carried out projects with Google Earth and Google Maps, but we also converted digital map data in the Google proprietary format (KML, and so on). It is then possible to introduce the own digital data in for example Google Earth (as shown above).