iDelft is keen on using Open Source-software while creating desktop software and websites. Examples Open Source packages include CMS systems like Drupal, Moodle and LimeSurvey and Javascript libraries (e.g. jQuery and OpenLayers).
The advantages of using Open Source-software are clear: the software use is for free and everyone can modify, expand and improve the software. There are big communities for the major Open Source-software projects. These communities maintain the software which means that the software continously improves. Also security aspects are taken seriously.
An extra advantage is that tailor-made solutions are available to solve known problems. The software does not need to be researched in-depth because other developers already solved particular problems. The results can easily be re-used. This minimizes the software development time.
Some projects in which the CMS System Drupal has been used:
VRNHN.nl : The VRNHN website is a portal with Social Media feeds. DelftsAardewerk.nl : Portal for Dutch Delftware pottery. IT4Hire.nl : Company website IT4Hire iDelft.nl : Company website iDelft (this website) Blauwveen.nl : Website for presenting a rental house.
Example projects with OpenLayers:
BestelLuchtfoto.nl : Ordering Portal for aerial imagery. GratisLuchtfoto.nl : Ordering Sample portal for aerial images.The Javascript library jQuery is also used in all examples.